Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Article: ADHD linked to pesticide exposure

I just realized that I share a lot of articles on twitter, but not all of our blog's readers are twitter users. So I hope (to remind myself) to share these articles on this blog on a regular basis.

For the first installment, see this article from CNN on

Study: ADHD linked to pesticide exposure

Children exposed to higher levels of a type of pesticide found in trace amounts on commercially grown fruit and vegetables are more likely to have attention deficit hyperactivity disorder than children with less exposure, a nationwide study suggests.
Researchers measured the levels of pesticide byproducts in the urine of 1,139 children from across the United States. Children with above-average levels of one common byproduct had roughly twice the odds of getting a diagnosis of ADHD, according to the study, which appears in the journal Pediatrics.

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