Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Rodale.com's Plastic-Free February

I've been so inspired by other bloggers and Rodale to take the Plastic-Free February challenge.

I'll be the first to admit I'm not perfect by any means. In my workshops and consultations, I really stress the need to be completely non-judgemental (of others and most importantly, ourselves) and do what we can with what we have in the moment. We can strive to better but always from a place of compassion and goodness. (Okay, enough of my preaching!)

So on with the challenge:

Rodale's plastic-free ground rules:

1: No buying or acquiring new plastic.

2: No cooking with plastic or storing food in plastic.

3: Minimize all other plastic use.

Why go plastic free?There are plenty of reasons to cut down. It's made from either petroleum or natural gas, two nonrenewable resources extracted in ways that pollute our air and water. Plastic manufacturers add chemicals to certain types of plastics that can be highly toxic, likebisphenol A and phthalates. And very few types of plastic are widely recycled.

Is anyone else interested in joining? 
Check out http://www.rodale.com/plastic-free for more information! 

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